Evidence Management and Reporting screen
This topic describes the purpose of the Evidence Management and Reporting screen and all the settings and buttons on it. However if you require step-by-step procedures on creating reports which include monitoring evidence data then refer to Managing monitoring evidence and creating 10 day, 30 day and evidence reports.
This feature requires option E23 Sentinel HI3 (T3/T50). If you do not have this option this feature is not available.
The Evidence Management and Reporting screen allows you to quickly create an interactive html report which can be used for the following purposes:
an evidence report when your wiretap is complete.
a working copy report for case agents, district attorneys and defense attorneys.
a report for monitors to work on calls without being on the Live monitoring screen.
You choose which of the three report types you want to generate, then select the pertinent events. The 10 Day and 30 Day reports provide you with the data to present to court if you wish to continue monitoring a subject after the first 10 days or if you need to request permission to extend the previous 30 day warrant. The Court Authorization Period report contains all intercepted data including voice and SMS content over the court authorization period and can be provided to the prosecuting attorney or defense as a complete package. The Discovery report allows you to define the start and end dates of the intercepted data that you may want to include in your report.
The report is output as an interactive easy-to-use html file. A summary of information about the case and the call statistics are provided at the start of the report followed by a list itemizing each event that you selected to include. For each event, links to the location, synopsis, transcript and notes histories are included. You can also view SMS and MMS content, replay voice calls and view social media data.
NOTE: The content of events with the categories of: Blocked, Privileged, Uncategorized and Not Monitored is not included in the report.
To view social media content, such as picture, click @ in the Content column. To open the communication in a separate window, click .
Filters are available on the right of the report, allowing you to search on a variety of columns such as the comm # and communication type.
For further details on using the .html file refer to Viewing a Live target summary HTML report.
A link to the completed report is emailed to you, and is also available to download directly from the IQ packets (reports) section of the Manage case screen.
The Evidence Management and Reporting screen can be opened either by clicking Evidence Management and Reporting under the Sentinel i-cases section on the Manage case, or by clicking the new on the Sentinel i-cases screen.
The Worklist is also available on the Live Monitoring screen and any changes you make on either screen are immediately updated on the other.
Select whether you want to run:
a Discovery report which allows you to define the dates of the report, or
a report based on the dates of a selected court authorization ID. That is, a 10 day, 30 day or the complete court authorization period.
This setting is only applicable when Court authorization information is set to a court authorization ID. It is not applicable if Discovery is selected.
Select the type of report you want to run and OSS-ESPA will collate the data from that period into a report.
The 10 Day and 30 Day reports provide you with the data to present to court if you wish to continue monitoring a subject after the first 10 days or if you need to request permission to extend the previous 30 day warrant.
The Court authorization period provides you with the data for the whole of the court authorization period.
These setting are only applicable when Court authorization information is set to Discovery.
Enter the start and end dates of the communications you may want to include in your report.
Select the target numbers you may want to include in your report.
Select to include the HI2 signaling in the report. This is referred to as the Intercept Related Information (IRI) and is the pen register data.
Select to include the HI3 call content in the report. This is referred to as the Contents of Communications (CC) and is the wiretap content.
Select to include the GPS ping information, which was sent by the operator, in the report.
Select to include the social media ping information, sent be the operator, in the report.
Select to include the Google Earth files in the report. This produces an easy to view Google Earth output of the location information.
Select to include the historical CDR information in the report.
This setting is only applicable if you have a wiretap intercept in place; it is not applicable to PRTT or non-monitoring cases.
Select to include the synopsis in the report.
This setting is only applicable if you have a wiretap intercept in place; it is not applicable to PRTT or non-monitoring cases.
Select to include the transcript in the report. If your account has the optional E27 AI server, then this transcript may have been generated using AI.
This setting is only applicable if you have a wiretap intercept in place; it is not applicable to PRTT or non-monitoring cases.
Select to include the notes in the report.
Select to include the tags in the report.
Select to include the warrant dates in the report.
Click to view the events that meet your selected criteria. You can then include which communications you want to include in the report.
Click to generate the report.
A link to the completed report is emailed to you, and is also available to download directly from the IQ packets (reports) section of the Manage case screen.
This displays all the events that meet your selected criteria. You can use the filters to help you locate the events you want included in your report.
There are two filters you can use to search and display your required records in the table.
The first is the basic search field, situated above the table, that allows you to search for column information such as a target number, monitor name and communication id. This filter also searches for tags within your notes, synopsis and transcripts.
The second is the advanced filter, situated to the right of the table, which you can show or hide by clicking Filters.
Click to export a .csv file of the communications that you currently have filtered.
Click to update the Worklist with the latest information. You may wish to do this if you have updated a Worklist task, such as notes, synopsis, transcript and category changes, on the Live monitoring screen and want to ensure the updates are available on this screen.
This displays a preview of any available SMS and MMS content. If the MMS contains video or audio content, then the column displays Video or Audio. displays if the communication is categorized as: Not Monitored, Uncategorized, Privileged or Blocked. Note, users with monitor permissions of Administrator can view the Privileged and Blocked communications.
This displays either:
- which indicates that the content of the communication is a voice recording that is still being processed by OSS-ESPA and is not yet ready to replay.
- which indicates that the content of the communication was a voice recording which been processed by OSS-ESPA and is ready to replay. Click to open the GF Wiretap Player dialog box. If required you can then enter a transcript and categorize the call.
- which indicates that for some reason the audio file failed to process. If this occurs then contact your administrator as it may be possible to retrieve the audio file manually.
- which indicates that the content of the communication was data. Click to open the Data timeline view.
- which indicates that the content of the communication was a message such as an mms or ims-sms. Click to open the Chat timeline view which displays any text, graphics, audio and video shared during the communication.
Also displayed is the call category.
Click to show and hide the filters. These filters allow you to display on the screen the communications that are of interest to you. You can save your own filter settings that you commonly use, such as your communications that need transcribed for a specific phone number. You can select to filter based on a combination of: the dates, the target's phone, the targets's name, the monitor's name, call direction, associate names, associate numbers, call types, category content, locked, synopsis work status, transcript work status, the communication's duration and text content and tags within the notes, synopsis and transcripts.
The Duration filter can be used to filter calls by short durations. This helps you with wiretap reporting which requires the number of calls that were less than one minute in duration and/or the number of calls that were under two minutes in duration. The range is displayed in seconds and allows you to choose whether or not to include data events in the sliding scale's range. By default data events are not selected as some can last for long time periods, for example a week, making the range of the sliding scale significantly larger.
To allow you to quickly identify if a filter has been applied, the group has displayed in the title bar. Any items you have selected in the filters are displayed at the top of each list.
Use to filter which cases are being displayed or used in the search. You must first create and save filters for them to display in this menu.
Select if you want to view or use filters created by your monitoring supervisor or administrator. These filters are typically commonly used filters that your supervisor or administrator has created for the benefit of all users.
To set a filter as your default, which is used each time you open the screen, select the filter in My filters, then select this check-box.
Click to clear all the filters.
Click to create a new filter. Refer to How to create worklist filters for further information.